Sunday, October 12, 2008

So, little Clarissa Ann was baptized yesterday! Her grandma and grandpa Allen came down from Salt Lake and many of her friends and family friends were there to witness and celebrate. We are so proud of you Claire, for your decision to be baptized and your new growing testimony!


Colbert said...

That was a lot of fun. Thanks for having us. The blog looks great.

Zumba Girl said...

Ok seriously Watch out!! Jenea is too pretty...She could be a supermodel!! :)

I love your blog. I need to add it to my list. Here I go.

John Petersen said...

Hey, love your blog!! What a cute family. It was so fun to get together the other night - I'm still buzzing from it! Our blog is

John Petersen said...

-k- sorry that came up that it was from john but, it's really from me - Amy

Palmer family said...

Hallie--glad you finally have your blog up and running! Thanks for the blog address. Now I will know more of what's going on in your neck of the woods! We sure miss you here in Idaho! Cedar City is sure lucky to have you guys. Come visit us again, last time wasn't long enough!!

alli said...

Wow, your kids have all grown so much! I am so glad that you have a blog now, because I love to hear about what's happening with you guys. Congrats Claire!

emharris said...

Hallie, Thanks for letting us know about your blog. Jenne' is has really grown up!! so has Braden(we still call him squishy). Hope all is well with you.
Love Monica

Sonia B said...

Congrats on joining the blogging world. I have one, but seldom update it. Looks like life is fun in Cedar City.