Sunday, November 16, 2008

So friends, here is a look at our house so you can see what I am seeing everyday! Ya, and it's always this clean too! JK..


trish said...

looks cute! I love all the bright pink with the girls!

Sonia B said...

You are amazing. I've lived here for a year and still feel like I'm unpacking boxes.

warrensweetsix said...

Beautiful home Hallie! I found your link through Lindsay's blog. I am glad you are doing well. It was good to read and get updated with you and your family. You'll have to check out our blog sometime. Keep in touch. Katy

Dallas Allen said...

Hallie your blog is really nice. i will see if I can get tresa to blog for fun. Talk to you soon.

alli said...

Looks like a nice home!